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What We Do

  • Provide
    • Cutting edge technology, giving Denny's state of the art equipment.
    • Dedicated programmers and IS professionals that are constantly developing innovative custom solutions.
    • Custom trend reports, which identify new and returning guests.

  • Communicate
    • We provide usage reports
    • Restaurants receive courtesy calls to share feedback
    • We welcome questions and comments that will help us help you, by improving our service.
    • Our help desk is staffed 24/7, even on holidays!

  • Support & Our Team
    • We provide 24/7 help desk support for Denny's patrons via a toll-free number:

    • Our support teams are available 24/7 to troubleshoot any network issues.
    • We maintain redundant remote servers in 3 separate regions of the nation, which ensures patrons access into the wireless network.

  • Increase Your Sales
    • Attract college students and younger demographics.
    • Increases late-night business.
    • Appeals to business clientele & meetings.
    • Over 19,000 patrons can be introduced in the first 30 days!

  • It's Affordable
    • Professional Turn Key installation is a "one time" fee, priced significantly less than other comparable solutions.
    • 24/7 phone support for both Denny's employees and patrons alike is included in the monthly access fee.

  • It's simple & it's secure!
    • Our wireless system is designed to be used by even the most inexperienced user!
    • In January of 2009, more than 115,000 of Denny's patrons successfully used the wireless network.
    • The public wireless system safeguards your critical information.
    • Our revolutionary multi-layered security technology ensures optimal protection for both you and your patrons.
    • We have easy to use administrative tools, which allow you to apply policies on a per user basis at the network level.

  • We're Reliable
    • Our public wireless system surpasses industry standards for reliability.
    • Our redundant systems ensure less down time.
    • Our custom "Ping Alive" software, tests each restaurant's network every 15 seconds ensuring a connection is available for Denny's next wireless patron.


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